
President Nelson is gathering the best information, seeking inspiration from the Lord, and moving forward with deliberateness.
I didn’t feel like I could control the decisions of my husband’s company, the economy, or a worldwide pandemic, but I knew how to have faith. And that thought filled me with hope. 
The underlying lesson this parable is trying to teach is that we need be watchful in obeying the commandments of God.
We realized even more clearly how special it is not to hide or mask the feelings of our hearts from those we love most.
“A father’s duty is to make his home a place of happiness and joy.” (President Ezra Taft Benson)
The strength of the Church is largely determined by the strength of its bishops and branch presidents.
One of Satan’s most subtle tools is to convince us that our choices do not matter, that they are too small to affect our salvation, and thus can be made carelessly
There is mighty power in a mother. She is the one who molds hearts, lives, and shapes character.” (Flora Amussen Benson)
I think that too often, we take that list and focus on checking things off and making sure that every box is ticked.
These ministering angels know who you are, they care for you, they love you, and they will become a vital part of the fortification of your home. (Elder Gary E. Stevenson)
“These unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
“Generations can learn from each other, even as each generation learns for itself.” Elder Gerrit W. Gong