
This Father’s Day our hearts are filled with gratitude for earthly fathers who teach their children to pray.
We kindly invited everyone in that family to kneel and ask God one by one if Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the Restoration.
When general conference began, the Spirit began to speak a different story to me.
I have realized that my relationship with Christ and with my wife and children was what I treasure.
“Why do all the streets in this area start with the name Scout?”
Global faith leader offers prayer of gratitude and invites people everywhere to do two important things to help heal our fractured relationships and communities.
Even though this is a busy, fast-paced world, where many voices are beckoning for our attention, I can “be still” and “Hear Him.
Our priorities will be clear when our hearts are ready to receive the answers.
As you and I continue to pray — and fast as we are able — the Lord WILL send ”seagulls” to devour OUR “crickets” (aka presently, the Coronavirus). 
I think that too often, we take that list and focus on checking things off and making sure that every box is ticked.
“I invite you to join with me in a worldwide fast — for all whose health permits — to pray for relief from the physical, emotional and economic effects of this global pandemic.” (President Russell M. Nelson)