
I decided to make a Christ-centred statement for every principle in the missionary lessons outlined in Preach My Gospel.
To this day, my conscience springs into action if I watch too much TV. What a time waster.
As we face the uncertainties of dealing with COVID-19, riots, natural and man-made disasters, or other trials, we can be inspired by the examples of the sons of Mosiah.
It was a privilege to visit the Sacred Grove and Hill Cumorah but feeling the Spirit of the Lord is what strengthened my faith that Jesus is the Living Christ.
As her dream had promised, someone had been “waiting to help her.”
“You can start today by acting on the invitations I extended to you at last general conference to immerse yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration.”
Then, he asked us what made our church different than any other church.
I readily accessed the prophet’s writings online—the Joseph Smith Papers. Never have I been so edified and enlightened.
If we are looking, we will be able to see in our own lives that we are “in the hands of God” (Mormon 5:23).
While meeting with him, he showed us a picture of Elder and Sister Uchtdorf
“Knowing I am a child of God is the most powerful knowledge I possess!” (Jen)
When we recognize the constant, small trickle of impressions that the Spirit gives us, we will feel closer to our Heavenly Father.