
Unity, joy, and strength of purpose are a few of the good results of the Canada Toronto Mission Centennial Celebration.
Righteous faith is not a blind hope in idols or hypothetical ideas but a divine force and power that gives strength to create, subdue, heal, or endure.
I felt that my decision to visit my mother earlier than planned was prompted by the Holy Ghost.
“This work is moving forward at an accelerated pace. I can just hardly wait to bounce out of bed each morning and see what the day will bring.” (President Russell M. Nelson)
After 2 ½ years of quiet, I was able to stand in fast and testimony meeting in July 2019 and use my voice to testify of a loving Heavenly Father.
“Sufficiency of faith in Christ does not dictate a desired outcome, but rather presents a worthy offering of trust in the Lord and His designs. This offering He bids us to make.”
We cannot expect the Lord to guide our footsteps if we’re not willing to move our feet.
The first reaction people have is to hide when they are struggling with pornography. The better reaction — a calm reaction — can truly make all the difference.
The Holy Ghost can correct our mortal myopia with the sustaining power to visualize our sufferings with an eternal perspective.
“There is nothing in this world as personal, as nurturing, or as life changing as the influence of a righteous woman.” (M. Russell Ballard)
As we look for and find women in our scriptures… we will see far better the power and influence women have on family, community, the Church and the world.” (President M. Russell Ballard)
I have taken time to reflect on what my response would be if I were asked by the Lord, “Lovest thou me?”